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Main Areas of Current ResearchSpace Focus

1. Accessibility and Installation

The team is currently looking at areas of the system that need more detailed polishing. This is detailed systematic improvement of issues that improve accessibility and operation. It includes resolving the issue with ontologies, by including all base ontologies in the installation not as a separate dpownload and protecting all knowledge patterns that are essential to system templates. The system will load ontologies and patterns on installtion and leave a working system without more work. The release will also include as many pull requests as possible from other projects.

2. ResearchSpace Finder

Work is underway on a new finder system that allows new users to quickly view and navigate through different parts of their knowledge graph on one page. Find something and see what it is cponnected to. User the connection to change the focus of the finder, and so on. It combines search and navigation as it traverses the graph.

3. Knowledge Map Improvments

Significant improvements to the knowledge map system will produce a tool that non-technical users can more easily use to organise their thinking. Details will be release in 2024.